
THEATRE - An Exposé II

Want to know an organization who puts their status in society first, and their employees second looks like?

Recently times were looking promising for the old theater-turned-plantation. Suspicions about big shows were confirmed when a couple of good shows were to go up before the mighty curtain. However it would be all to late, for the damage of this theatre's reputation, has already been done.

Approximately only 3%-4% of the central employees for this company are African-American. Is it coincidence that one those black employees is the custodian? No- it's a matter of fact, and that's how they want it.

Racial issues are one of big concerns in that wee little corner on the high-class side of town. For example, The Grand Dragon(AKA) himself, married to a foreigner (which baffles even the wisest thinkers), is a racist narsossistic grumpy old man. He screams in moments of peace when a scream is a lame as an awkward joke, and is under the false impression that what he builds is the most safest thing in the world. He's losing his touch, as constantly reported by the production manager.

He hires people based on his observation of how good of a slave they would make. Anyone could tell, by the observation of his body language, that Hispanics and African-Amercians threatened his self-esteem, for some reason. As innocent and frail as he looks, he is relentless in his judging and classifying of people. He's already shown a ZERO-HIRE of blacks track record,and insulted various subordinates, publicly, and non-publicly.

There is evidence of a deeply-rooted hatred for non-white staff which clearly is apparent by his interactions at social gatherings, a place outside of his influence of power. Many other employees, if you ask them, will attest to at one time or another, have been involved in an issue directly related and caused by The Grand Dragon. He's been overheard calling Hispanics "spicks" and colored people "niggers", in situations where he may have thought he was alone or not being watched.

To say the least, how can one prove that someone is racist? Words, a letter, a blog? No form of expression and evidence is as affective as years of working beside him. So take our word for it, when we say that this guy is a tremendous racist pig, protected by the cloak of age, and milking that aspect for all it's worth, as his excuse for being how he is.

It's not surprising he knows how to tie great knots and hang things- it probably runs in his blood.

Next Post --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOOK for our upcoming in-depth post. Excerpt: Non-Profit. Is profit all the money they make, or is it just whatever goes over the amount you were given by grants? Non-Profit organizations functioning under the title of Non-Profit, but making huge profits at the box office, behind the bar, and through auctions.

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