

THIS IS A STORY about sex, drugs, and THE PEOPLE in the theatre who smoke weed, do cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, take pills and are alcoholics, then, go out on a professional stage and put the safety of other's second to their cheap thrills and humiliating escapisms.

Does theatre sound like a place that would have drama, controversy, and different stories, off the stage? The question itself is an obvious statement, one which in itself holds the answer. That answer is: YES, theatre does have it's controversies, dramas, and different stories.

Here, as a result of a recent controversy with a regional theatre, we are planning on exposing ALL the truths, one by one, painfully truthfully, with NO HOLDS BARRED, in the hopes of enlightening the public to the people behind the magic behind the curtain.

Those that deserve credit and would like their characters to be depicted as good people in this blog, you should have been good in real person, 100%. We plan on exposing each and every one of you, which through the years, have had plenty of chances to do righteously, in front of, and also behind people's backs.
Chances are as you are reading this blog, it's already multiplied itself using our mass duplication feature. Also, if your character appears on this blog, chances are your luck is about to change, as the truth about you is exposed.

Those of you who are not mentioned, congratulations, you're not assholes!

They are losers, posers, wanna bes, and have-nots, who aspire to be something they don't truly believe they can achieve, all in a facade to cover up the truth in their lives.

Whether they are ashamed to be of Hispanic decent, or cowards too afraid to say how they truly feel, they infest the theatre like the rats that inhabit the walls of it.

Let's start with the inner workings of the organization, shall we?

Recently they were audited by a certain governmental branch in charge of collecting taxes from the people. It was all a reactive effect for punishing one of their youngest managers.

You see, the young manager (who for legal purposes shall remain nameless) had used the theatre lobby for his own pleasures. Him, and some associates, decided to through a "festive celebration" at the expense of the playhouse, according to playhouse surveillance tapes.

The tapes showed the young manager and some friends having a blast around the main bar of the lobby, helping themselves to alcohol and party favors behind the concession stands, all under the watchful eye of a surveillance camera. Nonetheless, it was truly a Ferris Bueller Moment, one of which the administrative staff did not approve of, and as a result, fired the young manager and another associate.

In retaliation, the manager went ahead and exposed some secrets, which he had been forced to make the hard decision of snitching or keeping to himself; a decision no professional should ever have to make upon finding evidence of corruptness within an organization. Suffice to say, upon being fired without consideration from the company for his loyalty to them, the young manager revealed the secrets to the IRS, and the company was audited, and placed on "internal high alert". That means - that the head boss does not want them to find any more hidden problems, and that the upcoming months are going to be hell for honest people trying to make a decent living working there.

Since that day, the main theatre staff has had a rocket up their asses about this, simply because they now have to deal with this issue regarding taxes, a duty which they could've had under control a long time ago. To have your taxes taken out of your paycheck, you had to squabble and beg for years, constantly intruding and imposing, bothering superiors which always said they will talk to someone about it, but never did.

*If you want to know all the secrets and all the details about the real hidden issues that nobody ever would dream exist in such a magical place, all you have to do is simply get hired by this company and speak to Cotorra, the production manager. Eventually, almost right on cue, he will begin dishing and telling all the inner, privileged information, entrusted to him behind closed doors, in a poor attempt to be socially accepted, by other losers who are not important in society
(but are under the impression they are).

Actors' Playhouse

Old Theatre in NY

In Memorian of Old Theatres

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